As part of Hillingdon's Remembrance Day Commeration we made a wreath from white poppies.
Churches Together in Uxbridge Good Friday Walk of Witness through town centre.
We enjoyed a group walk at Burnham Beeches.
Geoffrey Durham, a Quaker, described it like this…
We offer a spiritual journey: a journey that is undertaken with others in our meeting, and which is reflected in turn in their journeys. We offer a faith which is based on personal experience and which contains no dogma – Quakers do not believe what they are told. We offer a spiritual life in which belief is shown through action, so it follows that there is no dotted line on which you have to sign. We are a faith which readily acknowledges and welcomes its Christian roots and remains open to new light from wherever it may come. We offer the still waiting on God of our Meeting for Worship. We offer our testimonies – particularly the Testimony to Equality from which everything else stems. We offer the transforming power of silence.
You are welcome to join us at one of our meetings for worship.
…it was in this unlikely setting that I came to know what I can only describe as the amazing fact of Quaker worship. It was in that uncomfortable room that I discovered the way to the interior side of my life, at the deep centre of which I knew that I was not alone, but was held by a love that passes all understanding. This love was mediated to me, in the first place, by those with whom I worshipped. For my journey was not solitary, but one undertaken with my friends as we moved towards each other and together travelled inwards. Yet I knew that the love that held me could not be limited to the mutual love and care we had for each other. It was a signal of transcendence that pointed beyond itself to the source of all life and love.
George Gorman, 1973, Quaker Faith & Practice
As you enter our Meeting House you will be welcomed by a doorkeeper who will greet you. The loos are directly in front of you down the corridor. We all enter the room where the meeting for worship is held when we are ready to do so.
During the meeting we sit in silence and listen. Someone may feel that they are led to speak. They will stand up and talk, often for a very short time. There will be flowers or foliage from the garden, and some books to read on the table. If it's your first time you might find the quiet tricky - you are welcome to pick up a leaflet or book if that helps you soak in the silence.
At the end of the worship someone (usually one of the clerking team) will say, "Thank you Friends", feel free to ask the person who ends meeting any questions you might have after Worship.
People surrounding you will offer greetings, and there will be a short series of notices and then everyone will be invited for drinks and biscuits.
You're welcome to ask any us questions, we have a library and leaflets if you'd like to browse - there are also links below to more information.